Series of Conferences

Development of Soft Skills

Uncover brain dynamic to develop your learning capabilities, creativity, and leardership.

Series of Conferences

Development of Soft Skills

Uncover brain dynamic to develop your learning capabilities, creativity, and leardership.

Soft skills are a set of personnal and interpersonal skills, including the ability to learn continuously, to create, to lead and to adapt to changes in the environment.
Advances in cognitive psychology and neuroscience reveal that the development of soft skills across lifespan depends on the type of stimulation and interaction with the environment.
Based on theses scientific discoveries, brain-friendly training techniques consist in organising pieces of information in the environment in a way that promotes brain dynamic and soft skills development on the long run.

Learning to learn in adulthood

Uncover the levers and obstacles to learn continuously at all ages.

Leaning across lifespan involves expanding the repertory of knowledge, along with technical and interpersonal know-how, at all ages.
But learning in adulthood, particularly at work, also requires updating previous knowledge that have been progressively and extensively consolidated in memory and that can be retrieved automatically.
Advances in cognitive psychology and neuroscience contribute in refining training methods that support updating previous knowledge and acquiring new ones.

The dynamic of creative brain

Uncover the levers and obstacles that pave the way of creative processes.

Creativity is often considered as a chaotic journey that can be achieved only by a few people with very peculiar intellectual abilities.
This vision feeds a series of myths on creative personality traits, on random and unpredictable discoveries and "aha" moments, and on the role of the right brain in creative processes.
Advances in cognitive psychology and neuroscience reveal how the brain makes new connections and which ingredients smooth the dynamic of creative processes.

Cognitive biases in change management

Uncover the levers and obstacles to lead your teams and achieve your goals in all your projects.

Leaders run projects by managing team work, but the goals and the means to achieve the goals might change from one project to another.
Changes across projects foster conditions that trigger cognitive biases, which prevent behavioral adaptation and successful change management.
Advances in cognitive psychology and neuroscience reveal the cognitive challenges of behavioral adaptation and how to successufully grow skills across projects.

Cognitive biases from startup to scale-up

Uncover the levers and obstacles to achieve the transition from founder to CEO.

With startup growth, founders face new entrepreneurial challenges to achieve scale-up stage and cognitive challenges to take on the role of CEO.
Changes between the startup and scale-up stage foster conditions that trigger cognitive biases, which restrain changing perspectives and achieving new goals.
Advances in cognitive psychology and neuroscience reveal the cognitive biaises that jeopardize the successful transition from startup to scale-up and from founder to CEO.